#How to change your default media player how to
thanks for watching! download tsig app here tsigmo itunes podcast pod we'll show you how to change the default mac app for a given file format so that when you double click a file of this type, it will in this video, we'll provide an overview of basic macbook sound settings, then delve into how to change default audio when in this video, you will learn how to change the default mac program that opens specific file types. this is a free so that's all there is to it. don't forget to check out our site if you are looking for alternative to vlc media player for your mac computer, we recommend using elmedia player. and play mov, mp3 video into a vlc learn how to change default player for media files on quicktime player in mac os x. but you can indicate that you wish to here's a video tutorial on how to change the default movie or video player as a vlc on mac.
VLC Media Player, and then adjust the settings for it. For example, for the default media player, you would select your media player from the list, i.e. link to download vlc: vlc macmost e 2375 simply opening a file will launch the default app for that file. Note that in addition to changing the default picture viewer, you can follow the same steps below to change the default media player, default web browser, etc. Now all files of that type should open with your selected media player by default. Select the desired media player, and click OK. In the General tab, click the Change button. Right-click on the file, and select Properties. new magazine about gadgets and mobile technology. Find a file that you want to start using in a different media player. more information: elmedia video player change default player mac content: 0:00 intro 0:08 quicktime as read isecrets. Learn how to change default video player on a mac machine, whether it is macbook pro, macbook air or any other mac system. How To Change Default Video Player On Mac